Across our three PCNs, the Partnership monitors several key areas of performance. This enables us to utilise available resources to deliver best possible patients access, care and satisfaction and outcomes.
Key performance metrics are set by NHS England and our teams strive to excel in all areas for the benefit of our patients.
The below data show performance over the last 12 month rolling period. In some cases specific pieces of work may be delayed to avoid busier periods, such as flu season and winter pressure.
Colte - ARA (Ambrose, Riverside, Ardleigh)
Colte - RMT (Rowhedge, Tiptree, Mersea)
Colte - WCW (Walton, Colne, Wivenhoe)
Patients who received an annual Learning Disability Health Check and a completed Health Action Plan. Covering Patients on the learning disability register aged 14 or over.
Confirm/exclude hypertension for patients with an elevated blood pressure reading. Covering patients aged 18 or over with a >+140/90 mmHg blood pressure.
Patients with a CVD risk score greater than 20% while being treated with statins. Covering patients aged between 25 and 84 years and with a CVD risk score = QRISK2 or 3.
Patients referred for assessment for familial hypercholesterolaemia. Covering patients aged between 29 years and under with a total cholesterol >7.5 OR aged 30 and over >9.0
Patients prescribed an oral anticoagulant (DOCA), or Vitamin K antagonist. Covering patients on the QOF Atrial Fibrillation register and with a CHAD2DS2-VASc score 2+, who were prescribed a direct-acting DOCA or Vitamin K antagonist.
Care home residents who had a Personalised Care and Support Plan (PSCP) agreed or reviewed. Covering patients aged 18 or over.
Patients living with severe frailty who received a Structured Medication Review. Covering patients aged 18 or over.
Patients using potentially addictive medication who received a Structured Medication Review. Covering patients aged 18 or over.
Permanent care home residents who received a Structured Medication review. Covering patients aged 18 or over.