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Accessing Care Over Christmas & New Year

Emma Bray

Many NHS services are closed or have reduced hours during the Christmas and New Year period, here are some ways in which you can access care during this time:

Self care

For minor injuries and illnesses, keep a selection of medication and essential items at home at all times - pain relief, cold and flu treatments, digestive aids and first aid supplies. Ensure you have enough stock of these basics to get you through the holiday season.

NHS 111

Available 24 hours a day by phone or online at Get help for your symptoms - NHS 111.

Find a pharmacy

Use the NHS website to find a pharmacy that's open near you at Find a pharmacy - NHS. You can also call 111 for this information. They can also signpost you to other services where necessary.

Mental health support

If you're struggling with your mental health, you can call Samaritans on 116 123 (freephone), or call NHS 111 and choose the option for mental health services. You can also text SHOUT to 85258 for a free 24/7 crisis text service. Call 0800 995 1000 for under 18s who need urgent mental health support.


For life-threatening emergencies only, you should visit A&E or call 999 for the ambulance service.

NHS website

You can get the answers to hundreds of health questions, including seasonal advice via the NHS website at Health A to Z - NHS.

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