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Yoga Class


We care for approximately 80,000 patients. This makes us the largest Primary Care provider in Essex.


For patients to maintain good levels of health and wellbeing we know a more holistic approach to healthcare is needed. Promoting self-care and a healthy lifestyle - by way of physical activity, social interaction, eating well and reducing stress - we know has a far more positive long-term impact on the health and wellbeing of patients; reducing acute illness and long-term conditions.


To improve access, broaden how we support patients with health and wellbeing and provide specialist resources where they will have the greatest impact on patients, we provide a range of support services.

Enhanced Access


Enhanced Access is a service to provide appointments outside of core hours. The aim of Enhanced Access is to meet the needs of the local population and provide greater access to healthcare for our 80,000 patients and ease some of the workload pressures experienced in our branches.


Working collectively to deliver Enhanced Access for our patients means we can share workforce needs and safely deliver high quality, care efficiently. 


We offer appointments between the hours of 18:30 - 20:00 Monday to Friday and 09:00 - 17:00 on Saturdays.


We offer appointments for a range of clinicians such as GP’s, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Practice Nurses, Healthcare Assistants and Physiotherapists.


 Our service is offered from 6 hub locations: 


Colne Medical Practice                    Walton Medical Centre 
40 Station Road                                Vicarage Lane
Colchester                                         Walton-on-the-Naze
CO7 0DT                                           CO14 8PA


Rowhedge Medical Practice           Riverside Health Centre
7 Rectory Road                                 Station Road
Rowhedge Colchester                     Manningtree
CO5 7HP                                           CO11 1AA


Tiptree Medical Centre                   Wivenhoe Medical Centre

Church Road                                     Philip Road

Tiptree                                               Wivenhoe

Colchester                                         Colchester

CO5 0HB                                           CO7 9BA


Please contact your registered branch for more information and arrange an appointment.

Social Prescribing

The aim of Social Prescribing is to help people make positive changes to their personal wellbeing, identify and link people with appropriate support in the community, and assist people with developing personal goals.

Support available includes advice on:


•          Healthy living

•          Weight management

•          Lifestyle

•          Maintaining physical and mental wellbeing

•          Supporting independence – mobility and equipment

•          Looking after someone

•          Getting out and about

•          Home adaptations

•          Money worries

•          Social inclusion


Social prescribing is ‘more than just medicine’ – it’s a new way to help people find support with their social, emotional and practical wellbeing. A Citizens Advice report, published in May 2015, suggested nearly a fifth of GPs consultation time was spent dealing with non-medical issues.


Throughout the UK, social prescribing projects are transforming wellbeing in the community and helping to ease pressure on traditional health and social care services.


Our social prescribing service is provided by:


CVS Tendring

01255 425692

Weight Management


Maintaining a healthy weight is important for your overall health and wellbeing, as well as lowering the risk of different diseases, conditions and cancers associated with being overweight.


Many individuals in the UK struggle with their weight. In fact, one in every four adults is obese (a term to describe a person who's very overweight, with a lot of body fat).


My Weight Matters (MWM) is not designed to be a diet or a quick-fix solution. This programme promotes weight loss in a safe, steady, and sustained way.


Following NHS guidance, My Weight Matters is a 12-week programme placing a focus on healthy eating, portion management, and keeping active. The programme is evidence-based sessions covers dietary and physical advice whilst supporting you to adopt overall healthier habits.


Please visit Essex Wellbeing Service to find out if you are eligible and sign up to the programme today. 

Stop Smoking


Stopping smoking can be challenging. But it is our job is to support you every step of the way.


There are many reasons why people smoke such as stress, boredom, and socialising. We call these triggers, and everyone has their own. The Essex Wellbeing service have coaches and practitioners will work with you to understand your triggers and help you to manage them without smoking.


The Essex Wellbeing Stop Smoking services are available, and free, to everyone living or working in Essex, excluding Southend and Thurrock. All you need to do is fill out the online assessment. 


Visit Essex Wellbeing Service to complete their online assessment form or contact your registered branch to arrange a referral. 

Diabetes Management


We aim to improve the levels of care and clinical outcomes for those children, young people, and university students who live with diabetes.


Our RMT PCN holds monthly lunchtime drops-in with dedicated diabetes outreach clinics so far and has monthly meetings planned for autumn term. 


The objectives for the drop-in sessions are to:


  • Improved Data 

  • Identification and risk management 

  • Self-management  

  • Peer support  

  • Access to health professionals  

  • Support services  

  • Psychological Support  


Please speak to your branch for information on the next drop in session.  

Health Checks

40–74 Health Checks

Patients between the ages of 40 and 74 who have no long-term conditions are invited for a health check. You will be invited for a health check every 5 years. This is a preventative scheme that will identify any Health concerns at an early stage. To book your health check in, please contact your branch to arrange an appointment or book via Essex Wellbeing Service


Learning Disability Health Checks

Patients with a learning disability often face poorer physical and mental health and are four times more likely to die from preventable illness than the general population.


An annual health check can help improve the health of people with a learning disability by identifying health concerns at an early stage.


To book your appointment, please contact your registered branch. 

Memory Cafe 

A Memory Cafe is a safe and comfortable space where caregivers and their loved ones can socialise, listen to music, play games, and enjoy other appropriate activities.


The space provides mutual support allowing people to exchange information and gain access to additional resources.


Guests can simply enjoy the company of others with things in common.


The Memory Café runs in association with The Mersea Island Medical Practice. It is held on the second Wednesday of the month from 1:30pm till 3pm at Mersea Community Support Hall, 13 Melrose Road, West Mersea, Colchester, CO5 8JB


The Dementia Café runs in association with Abbey Field Medical Centre, Ambrose Avenue Group Practice and Ardleigh Surgery. It is held on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 10am till 12 noon at the C3 Centre, which is next to Abbey Fields Medical Centre, Ypres Road, Colchester, CO2 7UW


Please come along for refreshments, a chat and an opportunity to meet new people. 

Armed Forces Community Drop In 


We support our Armed Forces by holding monthly drop-ins to offer social interaction, general welfare (e.g. legal, financial, housing and employment advice) and wellbeing, including mental health support, in an informal, relaxed environment at the Prettygate Baptist Church.


This is held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, 1pm - 2.30pm.


You're a member of the armed forces community if you're:

  • currently serving in the armed forces - either regular or reserve.

  • a veteran who has served in the armed forces - either regular or reserve.

  • a member of the Merchant Navy who served on a commercial vessel in support of legally defined UK military operations.

  • a dependant - for example, the partner or child of someone who's currently serving in the armed forces, a veteran or a member of the Merchant Navy.

Cancer Support

40–74 Health Checks

Patients between the ages of 40 and 74 who have no long-term conditions are invited for a health check. You will be invited for a health check every 5 years. This is a preventative scheme that will identify any Health concerns at an early stage. To book your health check in, please contact your branch to arrange an appointment or book via Essex Wellbeing Service


Learning Disability Health Checks

Patients with a learning disability often face poorer physical and mental health and are four times more likely to die from preventable illness than the general population.


An annual health check can help improve the health of people with a learning disability by identifying health concerns at an early stage.


To book your appointment, please contact your registered branch. 

Period Poverty 


Period Poverty is a global issue affecting millions of women around the world. In some cases this is due to extreme rurality or underdeveloped regions where international agencies and charities are working hard to improve access to sanitary products and education around menstruation.


Sadly though, period poverty is becoming recognised as an issue much closer to home with an increasing number of girls and women in the UK reporting that it is becoming much harder to afford period products. You can read more here.


As a Partnership, we wanted to take a proactive approach to ensure that everyone has the access they need to period products.


We have secured funding to purchase sanitary products from Inkind Direct which is a charity supported by Always to help people have access to affordable products.


The products have been distributed across our PCN, to be given for free to all members of the local community who need them.  The free period products can be found in your branch toilet, please take what you need!

Seated Yoga

Seated yoga develops both physical and mental wellbeing.


It's a great way to socialise and take some light exercise.


Using a chair for support & balance, breath work & meditation, you will tap into your inner world to discover your bodies hidden potential... most importantly you will have fun doing it!


Seated yoga cultivates - 

  • Mobility  

  • Flexibility 

  • Relaxation 

  • Energy 

  • Positivity


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