Organ Donation Week 2024 will be held on Monday 23 September to Sunday 29 September. This year, 2024, the NHS Organ Donor Register celebrates its 30th birthday! This campaign is a great opportunity to encourage people to talk to their families and friends about organ donation, and confirm support by adding their name to the NHS Organ Donor Register.
This week also provides an opportunity to recognise and support the families of organ donors who have made the incredible decision to donate their loved ones organs. Many organisations offer resources and the needed support during these difficult times.
Over 7,000 people across the UK are waiting for an organ transplant and every day, three people die whilst waiting for an organ. One donor can save or transform the lives of up to nine people thorough organ donation.
Types of organ donation include:
Small bowel
English organ donation law has recently changed. All adults in England are now considered potential organ donors, unless they choose to opt out or are in one of the excluded groups. You still have a choice whether or not you want to become an organ donor, and can register or amend your decision at any time.
Excluded groups are:
Those under the age of 18
People who lack the mental capacity to understand the new arrangements and take the necessary action
Visitors to England, and those not living here voluntarily
People who have lived in England for less than 12 months before their death
