Sleep quality and quantity are important factors in weight loss. Getting enough sleep can help you lose weight by regulating your appetite and metabolism, and improving your energy levels.

When you don't get enough sleep, your hormones can become imbalanced, making you feel hungrier and wanting to eat more
Poor sleep can lower your metabolism, making it harder to burn calories
When you're tired, your body may crave high-fat, sugary foods for a quick energy boost
When you're tired, you may be less active and more likely to do sedentary activities like watching TV.
Sleep and eating patterns interact with each other, so disrupted sleep patterns can also disrupt eating patterns.
If you are too tired to cook, you are are more likely to have high energy, fast foods
Aim to get between 7-9 hours of sleep at night
Try to have a regular sleep routine, go to bed and wake at the same time each day
Ensure your bedroom is dark and quiet
Exercise regularly
Avoid heavy meals before bed